Creative Boom at 15: What we stand for, and why creatives should care

Creative Boom turns 15

We celebrate 15 amazing years of Creative Boom with some key highlights and thoughts from our community.

If you’ve been reading Creative Boom since the start, then get ready to feel old… On July 24, 2024, we will be celebrating our 15th anniversary! So, it seems like a good moment to reflect on our platform’s journey, what we stand for, and how we aim to help the creative community.

Creative Boom was founded by Katy Cowan in Manchester in 2007. Entirely bootstrapped, it aimed to provide a fresh and inclusive place where people wouldn’t feel judged or looked down on. A magazine that would cover creatives outside of London and go beyond the usual ‘rockstar’ names to feature great work from everyday creatives.

Since then, it’s fair to say that a lot has happened.

We launched in the middle of the 2007 global economic crisis. We’ve had seven prime ministers, most of them Conservative. We left the European Union, have had three recessions, lived through a global pandemic, and said goodnight to Queen Elizabeth II and hello to King Charles III. We’ve seen the first major war in Europe since 1945 and the rise of AI, with its questionable effect on jobs. To say it’s been a tumultuous time for both Creative Boom and our audience is an understatement.

But our mission has been clear from the start, and we’ve continued to stick to it. We’re here to support creatives, pure and simple.

Creatives like graphic artist Ranjit Sihat. “At a time when I was feeling invisible in my career, you guys gave me a voice and somewhere to share my experiences,” she says. “I connected with so many other creatives because of it.”

Building a community

Illustrator and visual artist Daniel Chimal also speaks to the sense of community we’ve fostered. “Creative Boom has been a great companion and inspiration powered by creative love for me,” he explains. “I enjoy looking for what’s new on the site and reading the stories of other creatives. It’s been a way to know that we are not alone and how important community is.”

One of the keystones behind this sense of community has been our unwavering attitude to inclusivity. From day one, we’ve been dedicated to surfacing fresh talent and unseen voices across all kinds of creative disciplines, regardless of whether they live in a big city or a small town and whether they’re at the height of their careers or just beginning.

And that approach seems to be appreciated. As film-maker and photographer Neil A. Evans puts it: “Creative Boom is the real voice of creatives: they’re always sharing the real stories, experiences, wins and concerns of creative folk in the UK. It’s a real resource we can all be proud of.”

Motion designer Thomas Davis agrees. “Creative Boom has been a constant source of inspiration for so many years,” he enthuses. “One thing I’ve always loved is that it’s not just about the usual famous names at the top of the industry; it’s just a celebration of all-round creativity. Makes me proud to be from Manchester.”

Nurturing creativity

Of course, we’re not just about making people feel good; we’re also passionate about sharing tips, inspiration, and useful information that can help creatives in their daily lives.

Graphic designer and illustrator Aaron Miller speaks for many when he says: “I have fond memories of long lockdown walks, bringing Creative Boom’s podcasts, discovering and finding gold in your newsletters and website case studies. Finding moments of joy in the conversations and honesty they have always shared.”

Illustrator and graphic design lecturer Matt Corvis also highlights the value for those in education, calling Creative Boom: “An incredible resource for design news, think pieces and inspiration. It’s been supporting my lectures at university for many years and is a go-to point for all my students.”

Summing things up, independent design executive Rachel Gogel says: “In an era where digital destinations dedicated to the design industry are fading away, Creative Boom stands as a beacon of inspiration and resilience. For 15 years, this woman-founded platform has nurtured creativity, championed diverse voices, and adapted to the ever-changing landscape of design.

“Creative Boom isn’t just a blog, podcast, or visual culture publication; it’s a testament to the enduring power of community and the timeless value of creative expression.”

Taking the temperature

Overall, it’s been an amazing 15 years in which we’ve expanded Creative Boom’s operations and audience beyond our wildest dreams.

But in one sense, nothing’s changed. Because as we move into our next chapter, we remain as committed as ever to our founding principles of inclusivity, support, and inspiration for creatives worldwide.

So, with all that in mind, how exactly are creatives feeling as we approach the midpoint of the 2020s? Well, we have some details on that, too.

As part of our commitment to serve and support the creative community, we recently launched a survey to gauge the industry’s current state. And the preliminary results offer some fascinating insights into what the creative sector looks like today.

Here are some key findings so far:

Work status: Most of you are self-employed or freelancers (46.3%), with a significant portion working full-time (38.5%). Of these, 61.2% work in small companies with 1-10 employees.

Education: 54.3% have a Bachelor’s degree, and 21.4% hold postgraduate degrees.

Household income: 33% earn less than £30,000 annually, while 15.3% earn £90,000 or more.

AI views: 33.6% view AI as enhancing creativity, while 26.6% see it as a threat to jobs.

Economic impact: 47.3% report negative impacts from the current economic climate. Top concerns include job security (28.4%) and lower sales or client interest (22.5%).

Software usage: Adobe Creative Cloud is the most used tool (83.7%).

Awards: 45.7% do not find entering awards important.

But this isn’t yet the finished story! The survey is ongoing, so if you haven’t already done so, we’d love for you to take part and share your views and experiences. You can take part in the survey here.

Our heartfelt thanks

In the meantime, we’d like to take the opportunity to thank all of you for following and supporting our platform over the last 15 years.

Creative Boom only continues to survive because of the community behind it. And on the anniversary of our founding, we pledge to continue putting all our efforts into supporting our community and helping creatives everywhere to thrive.

So let’s stride forward together to 2039 and another 15 incredible years. It’s going to be a fun ride!

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